Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty serve as major advisors in the Latina/Latino Studies Department. In other words, we are here to support you throughout your studies in our department. We guide you through our degree programs, department events and special opportunities and, more generally, the academic field beyond the classroom.
Students can choose their major advisor based on shared interests and focus. Students should inform the Department of their choice of advisor; alternatively, if a student does not have a preference, the Department will assign an advisor based on the student's expressed academic interests.

Jeff Duncan-Andrade
Title: Professor and Department Chair
Appointment: 2004
Research Interests: Race and Schooling; Ethnic Studies; Critical Pedagogy; Community Responsive Pedagogy; Youth Wellness; Philosophy of Education; Educational Equity; Teacher Recruitment, Development and Retention; Urban Schooling.

Bárbara Abadía-Rexach
Title: Assistant Professor
Appointment: 2020
Research Interests: Afro-Latinxs, Latinxs in U.S., Latin American Studies, Racialization, Blackness, Identity Formation, Popular Culture, Music & Race in Puerto Rico, Media Studies, Black Hispanic Caribbean & African Diaspora.

Teresa Carrillo
Title: Professor
Appointment: 1993
Research Interests: Latinos as political actors; Latinos as transnational political actors; Immigration and Migrant Rights; Citizenship/Transnational Citizenship; Mexican Politics; Transnational Motherhood and Domestic Service.

Michelle Gomez Parra
Title: Assistant Professor
Appointment: 2024
Research Interests: Sexualities, gender, women of color feminisms, girlhood studies, queer of color critique, and queer theory

Melissa Guzman-Garcia
Title: Associate Professor
Appointment: 2016
Research Interests: Race, Migration, Citizenship, Punishment, Religion.

Leticia Hernandez
Title: Assistant Professor
Appointment: 2023
Research Interests: Central American Studies and local San Francisco history and populations.

Katynka Martinez
Title: Professor
Appointment: 2006
Research Interests: Cultural studies, media studies, community journalism, visual culture, community-generated artwork related to día de los muertos.

Michael De Anda Muñiz
Title: Assistant Professor
Appointment: 2020
Research Interests: Latina/x/o communities, women of color feminisms, sociology of culture, art, space, policing, community-engaged scholarship.

Carolina Prado
Title: Associate Professor
Appointment: 2022
Research Interests: Environmental justice, U.S.-México border issues, Gender and the environment, Climate justice, Water pollution, Participatory Geographic Information Systems, Community based research