Jeff Duncan-Andrade, Ph.D.
Professor and LTNS Department Chair
Office: EP 107
Phone: (415) 338-6160 (LTNS Department)
Email: jandrade@sfsu.edu
Faculty Line: (415) 338-3287
Faculty Biography
- Ph.D., Social and Cultural Studies in Education, Distinction on Oral Exams, University of California, Berkeley.
- M.A., Language, Literacy and Culture in Education, University of California, Berkeley.
- B.A., English Literature, Cum Laude and Department Honors, University of California, Berkeley.
Race and Schooling; Ethnic Studies; Critical Pedagogy; Community Responsive Pedagogy; Youth Wellness; Philosophy of Education; Educational Equity; Teacher Recruitment, Development and Retention; Urban Schooling.
- Transformational Strategies to Address Inequality in Education and Society (EDDL 932)
- Qualitative Research Methods (EDDL 930)
- Advanced Pedagogical Strategies for Achieving Equity (EDDL 922)
- Research Methods (ETHS 720)
- Language, Culture and Society in Education (ISED 747)
- Research Methods (ISED 797)
- Educational Equity (LTNS/RRS/SOC 580)
- Basic Achievement Techniques (ETHS 102)
- Critical Thinking (LTNS 110)
- Introduction to the University (ISED 150)
- The EOP Student and the University (ISED 201)
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2022). Equity or Equality: Which One Will We Choose? Boston: Harvard Press.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2010). What a Coach Can Teach a Teacher: What Urban Schools Can Learn from a Successful Sports Program. New York: Peter Lang.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. and Morrell, E. (2008). The Art of Critical Pedagogy: Possibilities for Moving from Theory to Practice in Urban Schools. New York: Peter Lang.
Peer Reviewed Articles and Chapters
- Tintiangco-Cubales, A. and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2021). “Still Fighting for Ethnic Studies: The Origins, Practices, and Potential of Community Responsive Pedagogy”. Teachers College Record.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2013). “Deconstructing the Doublethink Aimed at Dismantling Ethnic Studies in Tucson” in Romero, A. and Cammarota, J. (Ed.), Raza Studies: The Public Option of Educational Revolution. University of Arizona Press.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2012). “A Glass Half-Full” in Bank Street Occasional Papers.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2011). “The Principal Facts: New Directions for Teacher Education” in Arnetha Ball & Cynthia Tyson (Eds), Studying Diversity in Teacher Education. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2010). “Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete” in Gretchen Brion-Meisels, Kristy Cooper, Sherry Deckman, Christina Dobbs, Chantal Francois, Thomas Nikundiwe, & Carla Shalaby (Eds), Humanizing Education: Critical Alternatives to Reform, pp. 231-243. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Publishing Group.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. M. R. (2009). Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete. Harvard Educational Review, 79(2), 181-194.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2007). “Gangstas, Wankstas, and Ridas: Defining, Developing, and Supporting Effective Teachers in Urban Schools”. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, vol. 20 no. 6, November-December, pp. 617-638.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2007). “Urban Youth and the Counter-Narration of Inequality”. Transforming Anthropology, 15:1, pp. 26-37.
- Morrell, E. and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2006). “Popular Culture and Critical Media Pedagogy in Secondary Literacy Classrooms”. International Journal of Learning, vol. 12, 2005/2006.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2005). “Developing Social Justice Educators”. Educational Leadership, March 2005, vol 62: 6, pp. 70-73.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2005). “An Examination of the Sociopolitical History of Chicanos and its Relationship to School Performance”. Urban Education, 40:6, pp. 576-605.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. and Morrell, E. (2005). “Turn Up That Radio, Teacher: Popular Cultural Pedagogy in New Century”. Journal of School Leadership, March 2005, vol 15: pp. 284-304.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2004). “Your Best Friend or Your Worst Enemy: Youth Popular Culture, Pedagogy and Curriculum at the Dawn of the 21st Century”. Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 26:4, pp. 313-337.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2004). “Toward Teacher Development for the Urban in Urban Teaching.” Teaching Education Journal, 15:4, pp. 339-350.
- Morrell, E. and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2002). “Toward a Critical Classroom Discourse: Promoting Academic Literacy Through Engaging Hip-Hop Culture with Urban Youth”. English Journal, 91:6, p. 88-92. Youngstown, OH: Youngstown State University Press.
Chapters, Edited Volumes, and Reviews
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2012). “Urban Schools, Effective Practices” in James Banks (Ed), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2009). “An Open Letter to Teachers Seeking Balance”. Regeneración: The Association of Raza Educators Quarterly. Summer, 1:1.
- Hidalgo, N. & Duncan-Andrade, J. (2009). “When Stepping to College is Stepping to Consciousness: Critical Pedagogy for Transformational Resistance in an Urban High School Classroom” in Enrique Murrillo (Ed), Handbook of Latinos and Education, pp. 262-275. New York: Routledge.
- Duncan-Andrade, J., section editor. (2009). The Handbook of Social Justice in Education, Ayers, W., T. Quinn, & D. Stovall (Eds.). New York: Routledge.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2008). “To study is my revolutionary duty”, in Nieto, S. (Ed.). Dear Paulo: Letters from Teachers, pp. 154-162. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2008). “Developing Social Justice Educators: How Can the Subject Tell the Truth About Itself?” in Greg Goodman (Ed.), Educational Psychology: An Application of Critical Constructivism, pp. 1-12. New York: Peter Lang.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2008). “Your Best Friend or Your Worst Enemy: Youth Popular Culture, Pedagogy, and Curriculum in Urban Classrooms” in Greg Goodman (Ed.), Educational Psychology: An Application of Critical Constructivism, pp. 113-144. New York: Peter Lang.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2008). “Visions of Teachers Leaving No More Children Behind”, in Karen Manheim Teel & Jennifer E. Obidah (Eds.), Race in the Urban Classroom: Developing Educators’ Cross-Racial Competence, pp. 111-126. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Morrell, E. and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2008). “Comin’ from the School of Hard Knocks: Hip-Hop and the Revolution of English Classrooms in City Schools”, in Ayers, W., Ladson-Billings, G., Noguera, P., & Michie, G. (Eds.), City Kids, City Teachers II: A 21st Century Reader, pp. 197-206. New York: The New Press.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2008). “Teaching Critical Analysis of Racial Oppression”, in Everyday Antiracism: Concrete Ways to Successfully Navigate the Relevance of Race in School, pp. 156-160. New York: The New Press.
- Quartz, K. H., Olsen, B., and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2008). “The Fragility of Urban Teaching: A Longitudinal Study of Career Development and Activism”. In F. Peterman (ed.) Partnering to Prepare Urban Teachers: A Call to Activism. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. and Morrell, E. (2007). “Critical Pedagogy and Popular Culture in an Urban Secondary English Classroom”, in Critical Pedagogy, Where Are We Now?, pp. 173-199. New York: Peter Lang
- Duncan-Andrade, J. and Morrell, E. (2007). “Youth Culture”, in Kathryn Borman, Spencer Cahill, and Bridget Cotner (Eds.), The Praeger Handbook of American High Schools, pp. 443-448. Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2007). “Urban Teacher Development that Changes Classrooms, Curriculum and Achievement”, in Teacher Education With an Attitude: Preparing Teachers To Educate Working-Class Students in Their Own Self-Interest, pp. 173-190. New York: SUNY Press.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2006). “Urban Youth, Media Literacy, and Increased Critical Civic Participation”, in Ginwright, S., Noguera, P. and Cammarota, J (Eds.), Beyond Resistance: Youth Activism and Community Change: New Democratic Possibilities for Policy and Practice for America’s Youth, pp. 149-169. New York: Routledge.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2006). “Utilizing Cariño in the Development of Research Methodologies” in Kincheloe, J., Anderson, P., Rose, K., Griffith, D., and Hayes, K (Eds.), The Praeger Handbook of Urban Education, pp. 451-486. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Stovall, D. and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2006). “Urban Teacher Development for Critical Social Justice Pedagogy”, in Kincheloe, J., Anderson, P., Rose, K., Griffith, D., and Hayes, K (Eds.), Metropedagogy: Power, Justice, and the Urban Classroom, pp 209-219. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2005). “Latinos and the Criminal Justice System”, in Encyclopedia Latina: History, Culture, Society. New York: Grolier Publishing.
- Duncan-Andrade, J. (2005). “Marxism and Latinos in the United States”, in Encyclopedia Latina: History, Culture, Society. New York: Grolier Publishing.
- Morrell, E. and Duncan-Andrade, J. (2004) “What Youth Do Learn in School: Using Hip Hop as a Bridge to Canonical Poetry”, in J. Mahiri (Ed.), What They Don't Learn in School: Literacy in the Lives of Urban Youth, pp. 247-268. New York: Peter Lang.
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