DACA Statement from the Latina/Latino Studies Department
Our department stands with Dreamers and other community members with an undocumented or uncertain legal status. We believe that Trump’s decision to rescind Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a form of state violence, disguised as something that protects the general good, while enacted to make specific communities more vulnerable in their daily lives, at their work place, and in their fulfillment of educational aspirations.
We demand that our SF State administration offer Dreamers support in the form of student service centers and financial aid. Most importantly, we ask that the administration provide a clear protocol for undocumented people to follow should they enter into an encounter with federal authorities on campus. We demand that the SF State administration act in conjunction with campus legal counsel, representatives of SF State’s Dream Resource Center, Norma Salcedo, the AB 540 Coordinator and the Raza Faculty and Staff Association to create a formal protocol that offers concrete protections to our campus community in this moment of anti-immigrant aggression. In addition, we demand that Norma Salcedo and the Dream Resource Center receive regular budget allocation from SF State instead of tenuous grant funding from outside sources. We demand the protocol that comes out of this collaboration to include an emergency phone number that affected SF State community members can call that would provide timely legal counsel should it be needed.
We ask for assurance that campus police will be prohibited from contacting, questioning, detaining or arresting any individual on the basis of having an undocumented legal status. We ask that University police be prohibited from inquiring about any student, staff or faculty member’s legal or immigration statuses. In protecting our most vulnerable students, staff and faculty members, we demand that the SF State President create a formal policy and memorialize that policy in a public MOU that police on campus will not be in any shape or form involved in the enforcement of federal immigration law and that police will not access the campus without legal authorization or a warrant.
We are committed to a coordinated effort to provide information and services on campus to students and vow to collaborate with other entities in ensuring that our SF State community members are safe from immigration enforcement.