Melissa Guzman Garcia, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Office: EP 422
Phone: (415) 338-3029
Faculty Biography
- Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
- M.A., Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
- B.S., Sociology and Philosophy, Grand Valley State University
Race, Migration, Citizenship, Punishment, Religion
- LTNS 485: Latina/o Youth, Crime, and Justice
- LTNS 430: Race, Crime, and Justice
- LTNS 215: Introduction to Latina/o Studies
- LTNS 707: Graduate Seminar in Latina/o Studies
Coming soon.
- LTNS Department Curriculum Review Committee 2021-present
- College of Ethnic Studies Graduate Council 2018-present
- Guzman, Melissa. 2020. “Sanctifying the Expansion of Carceral Control: Spiritual Supervision in the Religious Lives of Criminalized Latinas." Punishment and Society.…
- Guzman Garcia, Melissa. 2020. “Mobile sanctuary: Latina/o Evangelicals redefining sanctuary and contesting immobility in Fresno, CA.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.…
- Guzman Garcia, Melissa. 2018. “Spiritual Citizenship: Immigrant religious participation and the management of deportability.” International Migration Review.
- Rios, V.M., Morin J.L, Martinez I., and Guzman, Melissa. 2015. Latina/o Youth and Criminal Justice. In Morin, Jose Luis Latinas/os and Criminal Justice: An Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO
- Guzman, Melissa. 2011. “Accomplishing “Tellable-Tellings”: Managing Displays of Faith on Live Radio.” In Detwiler and Breckenridge (eds), Pushing the Boundaries of Latin American Testimony: Meta-morphoses and Migrations. Palgrave McMillan.
- Guzman, Melissa. 2006. “Inducing the Holy Spirit through the Pentecostal Message.” McNair Scholars Journal, 10:1.
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