Congratulations Class of 2023!
Felicidades! What you have accomplished is no small feat. Our department and our community celebrate you for your tenacity, courage, and genius. You are bright shining lights and we have been honored and grateful that you chose to share some of that light with us during your time here at San Francisco State. As you transition to the next phase of you life, I want to encourage you to remember the mission and vision of the College of Ethnic Studies. The degrees that you are receiving come with the wings of your elders and ancestors that you might carry forward knowledge that has been shared with you into all aspects of your life with an eye toward community actualization and cultural perpetuity. We celebrate you and all that you will bring to this world.
- Latina/Latino Studies Department Chair, Jeff Duncan-Andrade, PhD

Video Honoring SF State's Latina/Latino Studies Class of 2023!
The video shows a slideshow of all individuals of the SF State Latina/Latino Studies Class of 2023.
Downloadable Resources
Download pages of El Tecolote dedicated to LTNS Class of 2023.
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