Flyer for You Have Not Yet Been Defeated by Alaa Abd El-Fattah

Book Launch: You Have Not Yet Been Defeated, by Alaa Abd el-Fattah

Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Event Time 03:00 p.m. - 04:30 p.m. PT
Cost No cost
Location ZOOM and SFSU Library Events Room (LIB 121)
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Join us for the book launch of You Have Not Yet Been Defeated, by Alaa Abd el-Fattah.

Guest Speakers: Angela Davis and Sanaa Seif

Moderators: Rama Ali Kased, Sharif Abdel Kouddous

About the Book: Alaa Abd el-Fattah is arguably the most high-profile political prisoner in Egypt, if not the Arab world, rising to international prominence during the revolution of 2011. A fiercely independent thinker who fuses politics and technology in powerful prose, an activist whose ideas represent a global generation which has only known struggle against a failing system, a public intellectual with the rare courage to offer personal, painful honesty, Alaa’s written voice came to symbolize much of what was fresh, inspiring and revolutionary about the uprisings that have defined the last decade.

Collected here for the first time in English are a selection of his essays, social media posts and interviews from 2011 until the present. He has spent the majority of those years in prison, where many of these pieces were written. Together, they present not only a unique account from the frontline of a decade of global upheaval, but a catalogue of ideas about other futures those upheavals could yet reveal. From theories on technology and history to profound reflections on the meaning of prison, You Have Not Yet Been Defeated is a book about the importance of ideas, whatever their cost.

Presented by the Department of Race & Resistance Studies. Co-sponsored by American Indian Studies, Africana Studies, Criminal Justice Studies, Latina/Latino Studies, Women and Gender Studies, General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), Palestinian Youth Movement, US Palestinian Community Network.

Flyer for You Have Not Yet Been Defeated by Alaa Abd El-Fattah

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